Assisting high-technology enterprises in overseas IPR --- joint visit to Tianjin
Headed by executive partner and senior attorney Xavier Yin, a group of IP professionals visit high-technology enterprises in Tianjin, learning their latest R&D updates and suggesting IPR solutions. Proudly organized by Intelightip, the group is participated by multi-national IP professionals, of which includes Mr. Yoshinori Matsumoto and Ms. Mao Shiraishi from Logic-meister IP Law Office in Japan, Mr. KAZUFUMI KIMURA from KAJI?SUHARA&ASSOCIATES in Japan, Mr. Kim,Inhan from YOU ME Patent&Law Firm in Korea, Mr. Andrew Z. Weaver from Polsinelli IP Law Firm in the U.S., and many more others.
"High-technology enterprises" mean enterprises that have been recognized by accreditation authority pursuant to the Administrative Measures for Recognition of High-tech Enterprises and the Guidance on Recognition and Management of High-tech Enterprises and have obtained high-tech enterprise certificates. The enterprises visited in this trip are Chinese industry leaders in terms of underwater robot technology, virtual reality, biomechanical studies, and gene immunotherapy etc. Impressed by the research achievements, our professionals also share opinions on how to properly “IPrise” these cutting-edge technologies, domestically and abroad.